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libmvec, non-finites and fast-math


with commit 533f9bebf969060e64c66681e275c03d6e49fcc9 the vector math functions were changed to call the _finite versions of the scalar operations. While it makes sense in that it equalizes the results for scalar and vectorized math for full programs compiled with -ffast-math it hurts applications that only want to use that flag in part of their code. -ffast-math implies a lot optimizations you do in general not want, in particular the -ffinite-math flag.

I was using libmvec in a library providing numerical operations to applications. To do this and not get bad ffast-math flag infecting the whole library I put the relevant math operations on larger data blocks into a single file compiled with ffast-math. As the implementation in libmvec respects non-finite input this worked out fine. In particular power(nan, 0) kept returning 1 as the scalar variant in files without -ffast-math.

With this new commit this is broken. The vector variant will return different results than the scalar code. To get around this I now need to check for non-finites manually in my fast-math file. But of course compiler now gets in the way as it optimizes away the non-finite checks.

It seems the only option I have left is now calling the _ZGV functions directly and doing my own vectorized non-finite checks and blend over the results. This option is quite appealing as it also removes the GCC dependency of the functionality but I am not sure if these functions are really to be used by applications/libraries.

So now how to solve this problem. My suggestion would be to relax the requirements for vectorizing the math functions to -funsafe-math-optimizations instead of -ffast-math, at least when glibc or svml are the backends. Then glibc should to provide _ZGV*_finite variants like it does for the scalar functions. That way when the whole program is compiled with -ffast-math you get consistent results as all calls will got to the _finite variants and when this is not the case all calls go to the regular ones.

Julian Taylor

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