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[PATCH] malloc: remove all remaining hooks

They provide debugging and customization support we don't use.  Apart
from making the code unnecessarily complicated, hooks also caused
several bugs in the past.

JIRA: PURE-42344
 tpc/malloc2.13/arena.h    |   9 --
 tpc/malloc2.13/dlmalloc.h |  16 ---
 tpc/malloc2.13/hooks.h    | 324 +---------------------------------------------
 tpc/malloc2.13/malloc.c   |  81 +-----------
 4 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 427 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tpc/malloc2.13/arena.h b/tpc/malloc2.13/arena.h
index 2205c52da8f1..fdb029e89669 100644
--- a/tpc/malloc2.13/arena.h
+++ b/tpc/malloc2.13/arena.h
@@ -180,11 +180,7 @@ ptmalloc_unlock_all2 (void)
   if(__malloc_initialized < 1)
-#if defined MALLOC_HOOKS
   atfork_recursive_thread = 0;
-  dlmalloc_hook = save_malloc_hook;
-  dlfree_hook = save_free_hook;
   for(ar_ptr = &main_arena;;) {
     ar_ptr = ar_ptr->next;
@@ -310,12 +306,7 @@ static void ptmalloc_init(void)
 	s = getenv("MALLOC_CHECK_");
 	if (s && s[0]) {
 		mALLOPt(M_CHECK_ACTION, (int)(s[0] - '0'));
-		if (check_action != 0)
-			dlmalloc_check_init();
-	void (*hook) (void) = force_reg(dlmalloc_initialize_hook);
-	if (hook != NULL)
-		(*hook) ();
 	__malloc_initialized = 1;
diff --git a/tpc/malloc2.13/dlmalloc.h b/tpc/malloc2.13/dlmalloc.h
index 825e9490ba19..9a812e83aad0 100644
--- a/tpc/malloc2.13/dlmalloc.h
+++ b/tpc/malloc2.13/dlmalloc.h
@@ -102,22 +102,6 @@ extern void *dlget_state __DLMALLOC_P ((void));
    malloc_get_state(). */
 extern int dlset_state __DLMALLOC_P ((void *__ptr));
-/* Called once when malloc is initialized; redefining this variable in
-   the application provides the preferred way to set up the hook
-   pointers. */
-extern void (*dlmalloc_initialize_hook) __DLMALLOC_PMT ((void));
-/* Hooks for debugging and user-defined versions. */
-extern void (*dlfree_hook) __DLMALLOC_PMT ((void *__ptr,
-					const void *));
-extern void *(*dlmalloc_hook) __DLMALLOC_PMT ((size_t __size,
-					     const void *));
-extern void *(*dlrealloc_hook) __DLMALLOC_PMT ((void *__ptr, size_t __size,
-					      const void *));
-extern void *(*dlmemalign_hook) __DLMALLOC_PMT ((size_t __alignment,
-					       size_t __size,
-					       const void *));
-extern void (*dlafter_morecore_hook) __DLMALLOC_PMT ((void));
 /* Activate a standard set of debugging hooks. */
 extern void dlmalloc_check_init __DLMALLOC_P ((void));
diff --git a/tpc/malloc2.13/hooks.h b/tpc/malloc2.13/hooks.h
index f192080a71bf..ebf3d7d5d209 100644
--- a/tpc/malloc2.13/hooks.h
+++ b/tpc/malloc2.13/hooks.h
@@ -25,31 +25,6 @@
 /* Hooks for debugging versions.  The initial hooks just call the
    initialization routine, then do the normal work. */
-static Void_t*
-malloc_hook_ini(size_t sz, const __malloc_ptr_t caller)
-  dlmalloc_hook = NULL;
-  ptmalloc_init();
-  return public_mALLOc(sz);
-static Void_t*
-realloc_hook_ini(Void_t* ptr, size_t sz, const __malloc_ptr_t caller)
-  dlmalloc_hook = NULL;
-  dlrealloc_hook = NULL;
-  ptmalloc_init();
-  return public_rEALLOc(ptr, sz);
-static Void_t*
-memalign_hook_ini(size_t alignment, size_t sz, const __malloc_ptr_t caller)
-  dlmemalign_hook = NULL;
-  ptmalloc_init();
-  return public_mEMALIGn(alignment, sz);
 /* Whether we are using malloc checking.  */
 static int using_malloc_checking;
@@ -68,21 +43,6 @@ static int using_malloc_checking;
    further malloc checking is safe.  */
 static int disallow_malloc_check;
-/* Activate a standard set of debugging hooks. */
-  if (disallow_malloc_check) {
-    disallow_malloc_check = 0;
-    return;
-  }
-  using_malloc_checking = 1;
-  dlmalloc_hook = malloc_check;
-  dlfree_hook = free_check;
-  dlrealloc_hook = realloc_check;
-  dlmemalign_hook = memalign_check;
 /* A simple, standard set of debugging hooks.  Overhead is `only' one
    byte per chunk; still this will catch most cases of double frees or
    overruns.  The goal here is to avoid obscure crashes due to invalid
@@ -90,277 +50,9 @@ dlmalloc_check_init()
 #define MAGICBYTE(p) ( ( ((size_t)p >> 3) ^ ((size_t)p >> 11)) & 0xFF )
-/* Instrument a chunk with overrun detector byte(s) and convert it
-   into a user pointer with requested size sz. */
-static Void_t*
-mem2mem_check(Void_t *ptr, size_t sz)
-  mchunkptr p;
-  unsigned char* m_ptr = (unsigned char*)BOUNDED_N(ptr, sz);
-  size_t i;
-  if (!ptr)
-    return ptr;
-  p = mem2chunk(ptr);
-  for(i = chunksize(p) - (chunk_is_mmapped(p) ? 2*SIZE_SZ+1 : SIZE_SZ+1);
-      i > sz;
-      i -= 0xFF) {
-    if(i-sz < 0x100) {
-      m_ptr[i] = (unsigned char)(i-sz);
-      break;
-    }
-    m_ptr[i] = 0xFF;
-  }
-  m_ptr[sz] = MAGICBYTE(p);
-  return (Void_t*)m_ptr;
-/* Convert a pointer to be free()d or realloc()ed to a valid chunk
-   pointer.  If the provided pointer is not valid, return NULL. */
-static mchunkptr
-mem2chunk_check(Void_t* mem, unsigned char **magic_p)
-  mchunkptr p;
-  unsigned char magic;
-  if(!aligned_OK(mem)) return NULL;
-  p = mem2chunk(mem);
-  if (!chunk_is_mmapped(p)) {
-    /* Must be a chunk in conventional heap memory. */
-    int contig = contiguous(&main_arena);
-    sz = chunksize(p);
-    if((contig &&
-	((char*)p<mp_.sbrk_base ||
-	 ((char*)p + sz)>=(mp_.sbrk_base+main_arena.system_mem) )) ||
-       sz<MINSIZE || sz&MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK || !inuse(p) ||
-       ( !prev_inuse(p) && (p->prev_size&MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK ||
-			    (contig && (char*)prev_chunk(p)<mp_.sbrk_base) ||
-			    next_chunk(prev_chunk(p))!=p) ))
-      return NULL;
-    magic = MAGICBYTE(p);
-    for(sz += SIZE_SZ-1; (c = ((unsigned char*)p)[sz]) != magic; sz -= c) {
-      if(c<=0 || sz<(c+2*SIZE_SZ)) return NULL;
-    }
-  } else {
-    unsigned long offset, page_mask = malloc_getpagesize-1;
-    /* mmap()ed chunks have MALLOC_ALIGNMENT or higher power-of-two
-       alignment relative to the beginning of a page.  Check this
-       first. */
-    offset = (unsigned long)mem & page_mask;
-    if((offset!=MALLOC_ALIGNMENT && offset!=0 && offset!=0x10 &&
-	offset!=0x20 && offset!=0x40 && offset!=0x80 && offset!=0x100 &&
-	offset!=0x200 && offset!=0x400 && offset!=0x800 && offset!=0x1000 &&
-	offset<0x2000) ||
-       !chunk_is_mmapped(p) || (p->size & PREV_INUSE) ||
-       ( (((unsigned long)p - p->prev_size) & page_mask) != 0 ) ||
-       ( (sz = chunksize(p)), ((p->prev_size + sz) & page_mask) != 0 ) )
-      return NULL;
-    magic = MAGICBYTE(p);
-    for(sz -= 1; (c = ((unsigned char*)p)[sz]) != magic; sz -= c) {
-      if(c<=0 || sz<(c+2*SIZE_SZ)) return NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  ((unsigned char*)p)[sz] ^= 0xFF;
-  if (magic_p)
-    *magic_p = (unsigned char *)p + sz;
-  return p;
 /* Check for corruption of the top chunk, and try to recover if
    necessary. */
-static int
-  mchunkptr t = top(&main_arena);
-  char* brk, * new_brk;
-  INTERNAL_SIZE_T front_misalign, sbrk_size;
-  unsigned long pagesz = malloc_getpagesize;
-  if (t == initial_top(&main_arena) ||
-      (!chunk_is_mmapped(t) &&
-       chunksize(t)>=MINSIZE &&
-       prev_inuse(t) &&
-       (!contiguous(&main_arena) ||
-	(char*)t + chunksize(t) == mp_.sbrk_base + main_arena.system_mem)))
-    return 0;
-  malloc_printerr (check_action, "malloc: top chunk is corrupt", t);
-  /* Try to set up a new top chunk. */
-  brk = MORECORE(0);
-  front_misalign = (unsigned long)chunk2mem(brk) & MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK;
-  if (front_misalign > 0)
-    front_misalign = MALLOC_ALIGNMENT - front_misalign;
-  sbrk_size = front_misalign + mp_.top_pad + MINSIZE;
-  sbrk_size += pagesz - ((unsigned long)(brk + sbrk_size) & (pagesz - 1));
-  new_brk = (char*)(MORECORE (sbrk_size));
-  if (new_brk == (char*)(MORECORE_FAILURE))
-    {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  /* Call the `morecore' hook if necessary.  */
-  void (*hook) (void) = force_reg (dlafter_morecore_hook);
-  if (hook)
-    (*hook) ();
-  main_arena.system_mem = (new_brk - mp_.sbrk_base) + sbrk_size;
-  top(&main_arena) = (mchunkptr)(brk + front_misalign);
-  set_head(top(&main_arena), (sbrk_size - front_misalign) | PREV_INUSE);
-  return 0;
-static Void_t*
-malloc_check(size_t sz, const Void_t *caller)
-  Void_t *victim;
-  if (sz+1 == 0) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  (void)mutex_lock(&main_arena.mutex);
-  victim = (top_check() >= 0) ? _int_malloc(&main_arena, sz+1) : NULL;
-  (void)mutex_unlock(&main_arena.mutex);
-  return mem2mem_check(victim, sz);
-static void
-free_check(Void_t* mem, const Void_t *caller)
-  mchunkptr p;
-  if(!mem) return;
-  (void)mutex_lock(&main_arena.mutex);
-  p = mem2chunk_check(mem, NULL);
-  if(!p) {
-    (void)mutex_unlock(&main_arena.mutex);
-    malloc_printerr(check_action, "free(): invalid pointer", mem);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (chunk_is_mmapped(p)) {
-    (void)mutex_unlock(&main_arena.mutex);
-    munmap_chunk(p);
-    return;
-  }
-#if 0 /* Erase freed memory. */
-  memset(mem, 0, chunksize(p) - (SIZE_SZ+1));
-  _int_free(&main_arena, p);
-  (void)mutex_unlock(&main_arena.mutex);
-static Void_t*
-realloc_check(Void_t* oldmem, size_t bytes, const Void_t *caller)
-  Void_t* newmem = 0;
-  unsigned char *magic_p;
-  if (bytes+1 == 0) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (oldmem == 0) return malloc_check(bytes, NULL);
-  if (bytes == 0) {
-    free_check (oldmem, NULL);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  (void)mutex_lock(&main_arena.mutex);
-  const mchunkptr oldp = mem2chunk_check(oldmem, &magic_p);
-  (void)mutex_unlock(&main_arena.mutex);
-  if(!oldp) {
-    malloc_printerr(check_action, "realloc(): invalid pointer", oldmem);
-    return malloc_check(bytes, NULL);
-  }
-  const INTERNAL_SIZE_T oldsize = chunksize(oldp);
-  checked_request2size(bytes+1, nb);
-  (void)mutex_lock(&main_arena.mutex);
-  if (chunk_is_mmapped(oldp)) {
-    mchunkptr newp = mremap_chunk(oldp, nb);
-    if(newp)
-      newmem = chunk2mem(newp);
-    else
-    {
-      /* Note the extra SIZE_SZ overhead. */
-      if(oldsize - SIZE_SZ >= nb)
-	newmem = oldmem; /* do nothing */
-      else {
-	/* Must alloc, copy, free. */
-	if (top_check() >= 0)
-	  newmem = _int_malloc(&main_arena, bytes+1);
-	if (newmem) {
-	  MALLOC_COPY(BOUNDED_N(newmem, bytes+1), oldmem, oldsize - 2*SIZE_SZ);
-	  munmap_chunk(oldp);
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (top_check() >= 0) {
-      INTERNAL_SIZE_T nb;
-      checked_request2size(bytes + 1, nb);
-      newmem = _int_realloc(&main_arena, oldp, oldsize, nb);
-    }
-#if 0 /* Erase freed memory. */
-    if(newmem)
-      newp = mem2chunk(newmem);
-    nb = chunksize(newp);
-    if(oldp<newp || oldp>=chunk_at_offset(newp, nb)) {
-      memset((char*)oldmem + 2*sizeof(mbinptr), 0,
-	     oldsize - (2*sizeof(mbinptr)+2*SIZE_SZ+1));
-    } else if(nb > oldsize+SIZE_SZ) {
-      memset((char*)BOUNDED_N(chunk2mem(newp), bytes) + oldsize,
-	     0, nb - (oldsize+SIZE_SZ));
-    }
-  }
-  /* mem2chunk_check changed the magic byte in the old chunk.
-     If newmem is NULL, then the old chunk will still be used though,
-     so we need to invert that change here.  */
-  if (newmem == NULL) *magic_p ^= 0xFF;
-  (void)mutex_unlock(&main_arena.mutex);
-  return mem2mem_check(newmem, bytes);
-static Void_t*
-memalign_check(size_t alignment, size_t bytes, const Void_t *caller)
-  INTERNAL_SIZE_T nb __attribute__((unused));
-  Void_t* mem;
-  if (alignment <= MALLOC_ALIGNMENT) return malloc_check(bytes, NULL);
-  if (alignment <  MINSIZE) alignment = MINSIZE;
-  if (bytes+1 == 0) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  checked_request2size(bytes+1, nb);
-  (void)mutex_lock(&main_arena.mutex);
-  mem = (top_check() >= 0) ? _int_memalign(&main_arena, alignment, bytes+1) :
-    NULL;
-  (void)mutex_unlock(&main_arena.mutex);
-  return mem2mem_check(mem, bytes);
 /* Get/set state: malloc_get_state() records the current state of all
    malloc variables (_except_ for the actual heap contents and `hook'
    function pointers) in a system dependent, opaque data structure.
@@ -411,6 +103,7 @@ public_gET_STATe(void)
   int i;
   mbinptr b;
+  abort();
   ms = (struct malloc_save_state*)public_mALLOc(sizeof(*ms));
   if (!ms)
     return 0;
@@ -461,6 +154,7 @@ public_sET_STATe(Void_t* msptr)
   size_t i;
   mbinptr b;
+  abort();
   disallow_malloc_check = 1;
   if(ms->magic != MALLOC_STATE_MAGIC) return -1;
@@ -534,20 +228,6 @@ public_sET_STATe(Void_t* msptr)
   mp_.mmapped_mem = ms->mmapped_mem;
   mp_.max_mmapped_mem = ms->max_mmapped_mem;
   /* add version-dependent code here */
-  if (ms->version >= 1) {
-    /* Check whether it is safe to enable malloc checking, or whether
-       it is necessary to disable it.  */
-    if (ms->using_malloc_checking && !using_malloc_checking &&
-	!disallow_malloc_check)
-      dlmalloc_check_init ();
-    else if (!ms->using_malloc_checking && using_malloc_checking) {
-      dlmalloc_hook = NULL;
-      dlfree_hook = NULL;
-      dlrealloc_hook = NULL;
-      dlmemalign_hook = NULL;
-      using_malloc_checking = 0;
-    }
-  }
   if (ms->version >= 4) {
diff --git a/tpc/malloc2.13/malloc.c b/tpc/malloc2.13/malloc.c
index f56321444b76..50a50949bd56 100644
--- a/tpc/malloc2.13/malloc.c
+++ b/tpc/malloc2.13/malloc.c
@@ -1379,21 +1379,11 @@ static int      mALLOPt(int, int);
 static struct mallinfo2 mALLINFo(struct malloc_state *);
 static void malloc_printerr(int action, const char *str, void *ptr);
-static Void_t* internal_function mem2mem_check(Void_t *p, size_t sz);
-static int internal_function top_check(void);
 static void internal_function munmap_chunk(mchunkptr p);
 static mchunkptr internal_function mremap_chunk(mchunkptr p, size_t new_size);
-static Void_t*   malloc_check(size_t sz, const Void_t *caller);
-static void      free_check(Void_t* mem, const Void_t *caller);
-static Void_t*   realloc_check(Void_t* oldmem, size_t bytes,
-			       const Void_t *caller);
-static Void_t*   memalign_check(size_t alignment, size_t bytes,
-				const Void_t *caller);
 /* ------------- Optional versions of memcopy ---------------- */
@@ -2206,36 +2196,6 @@ static Void_t** iALLOc(struct malloc_state *, size_t, size_t*, int, Void_t**);
 static void tcache_destroy(void *_cache);
-/* -------------- Early definitions for debugging hooks ---------------- */
-/* Define and initialize the hook variables.  These weak definitions must
-   appear before any use of the variables in a function (arena.c uses one).  */
-#ifndef weak_variable
-#define weak_variable /**/
-/* Forward declarations.  */
-static Void_t* malloc_hook_ini __MALLOC_P ((size_t sz,
-					    const __malloc_ptr_t caller));
-static Void_t* realloc_hook_ini __MALLOC_P ((Void_t* ptr, size_t sz,
-					     const __malloc_ptr_t caller));
-static Void_t* memalign_hook_ini __MALLOC_P ((size_t alignment, size_t sz,
-					      const __malloc_ptr_t caller));
-void weak_variable (*dlmalloc_initialize_hook) (void) = NULL;
-void weak_variable (*dlfree_hook) (__malloc_ptr_t __ptr,
-				   const __malloc_ptr_t) = NULL;
-__malloc_ptr_t weak_variable (*dlmalloc_hook)
-     (size_t __size, const __malloc_ptr_t) = malloc_hook_ini;
-__malloc_ptr_t weak_variable (*dlrealloc_hook)
-     (__malloc_ptr_t __ptr, size_t __size, const __malloc_ptr_t)
-     = realloc_hook_ini;
-__malloc_ptr_t weak_variable (*dlmemalign_hook)
-     (size_t __alignment, size_t __size, const __malloc_ptr_t)
-     = memalign_hook_ini;
-void weak_variable (*dlafter_morecore_hook) (void) = NULL;
 /* ---------------- Error behavior ------------------------------------ */
@@ -2855,10 +2815,6 @@ static Void_t* sYSMALLOc(INTERNAL_SIZE_T nb, struct malloc_state * av)
     brk = (char*)(MORECORE(size));
   if (brk != (char*)(MORECORE_FAILURE)) {
-    /* Call the `morecore' hook if necessary.  */
-    void (*hook) (void) = force_reg (dlafter_morecore_hook);
-    if (hook != NULL)
-      (*hook) ();
   } else {
     If have mmap, try using it as a backup when MORECORE fails or
@@ -2992,11 +2948,6 @@ static Void_t* sYSMALLOc(INTERNAL_SIZE_T nb, struct malloc_state * av)
 	if (snd_brk == (char*)(MORECORE_FAILURE)) {
 	  correction = 0;
 	  snd_brk = (char*)(MORECORE(0));
-	} else {
-	  /* Call the `morecore' hook if necessary.  */
-	  void (*hook) (void) = force_reg (dlafter_morecore_hook);
-	  if (hook != NULL)
-	    (*hook) ();
@@ -3136,10 +3087,6 @@ static int sYSTRIm(size_t pad, struct malloc_state * av)
-      /* Call the `morecore' hook if necessary.  */
-      void (*hook) (void) = force_reg (dlafter_morecore_hook);
-      if (hook != NULL)
-	(*hook) ();
       new_brk = (char*)(MORECORE(0));
       if (new_brk != (char*)MORECORE_FAILURE) {
@@ -3318,11 +3265,6 @@ public_rEALLOc(Void_t* oldmem, size_t bytes)
   Void_t* newp;             /* chunk to return */
-  __malloc_ptr_t (*hook) (__malloc_ptr_t, size_t, __const __malloc_ptr_t) =
-    force_reg (dlrealloc_hook);
-  if (hook != NULL)
-    return (*hook)(oldmem, bytes, RETURN_ADDRESS (0));
   if (bytes == 0 && oldmem != NULL) { public_fREe(oldmem); return 0; }
@@ -3401,10 +3343,6 @@ Void_t *public_mEMALIGn(size_t alignment, size_t bytes)
 	struct malloc_state *ar_ptr;
 	Void_t *p;
-	__malloc_ptr_t(*hook) __MALLOC_PMT((size_t, size_t, __const __malloc_ptr_t)) = force_reg(dlmemalign_hook);
-	if (hook != NULL)
-		return (*hook) (alignment, bytes, RETURN_ADDRESS(0));
 	/* If need less alignment than we give anyway, just relay to malloc */
 	if (alignment <= MALLOC_ALIGNMENT)
 		return public_mALLOc(bytes);
@@ -3436,10 +3374,6 @@ Void_t *public_vALLOc(size_t bytes)
 	size_t pagesz = mp_.pagesize;
-	__malloc_ptr_t(*hook) __MALLOC_PMT((size_t, size_t, __const __malloc_ptr_t)) = force_reg(dlmemalign_hook);
-	if (hook != NULL)
-		return (*hook) (pagesz, bytes, RETURN_ADDRESS(0));
 	ar_ptr = arena_get(bytes + pagesz + MINSIZE);
 	if (!ar_ptr)
 		return 0;
@@ -3467,10 +3401,6 @@ Void_t *public_pVALLOc(size_t bytes)
 	size_t page_mask = mp_.pagesize - 1;
 	size_t rounded_bytes = (bytes + page_mask) & ~(page_mask);
-	__malloc_ptr_t(*hook) __MALLOC_PMT((size_t, size_t, __const __malloc_ptr_t)) = force_reg(dlmemalign_hook);
-	if (hook != NULL)
-		return (*hook) (pagesz, rounded_bytes, RETURN_ADDRESS(0));
 	ar_ptr = arena_get(bytes + 2 * pagesz + MINSIZE);
 	p = _int_pvalloc(ar_ptr, bytes);
 	if (!p) {
@@ -5193,7 +5123,6 @@ int mALLOPt(int param_number, int value)
-    check_action = value;
   case M_PERTURB:
@@ -5393,15 +5322,7 @@ dlposix_memalign (void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size)
       || alignment == 0)
     return EINVAL;
-  /* Call the hook here, so that caller is posix_memalign's caller
-     and not posix_memalign itself.  */
-  __malloc_ptr_t (*hook) __MALLOC_PMT ((size_t, size_t,
-					__const __malloc_ptr_t)) =
-    force_reg (dlmemalign_hook);
-  if (hook != NULL)
-    mem = (*hook)(alignment, size, RETURN_ADDRESS (0));
-  else
-    mem = public_mEMALIGn (alignment, size);
+  mem = public_mEMALIGn (alignment, size);
   if (mem != NULL) {
     *memptr = mem;

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