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Re: is there a fuzzer for libc?

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Szabolcs Nagy <> wrote:
> On 19/03/15 16:38, Konstantin Serebryany wrote:
>> [reviving an old thread]
>> I had some success fuzzing regcomp/fnmatch/wordexp, see updates at
>> Is anyone interested to help me fuzz some other parts of glibc the same way?
> i'm interested in fuzzing standard interfaces
> i used regfuzz last year when i cleaned up the musl
> regex parsing code a bit but that was not easy to
> integrate into a standard testing framework

regfuzz is nice, but it's approach is typically less efficient for
this kind of targets than coverage-guided fuzzing.
At least this is what I've seen with glibc's regcomp/regexec: after
fuzzing regcomp with regfuzz for a few days
the coverage-guided fuzzer found 3 more bugs in just a few minutes.

> if you are planning to develop tools that work
> on the standard api (instead of making assuptions
> about glibc internals) then i'm willing to help

This is what I have for fnmatch:

extern "C" void TestOneInput(const unsigned char *Data, size_t Size) {
  if (Size < 3) return;
  unsigned char flags = Data[0];
  size_t PatternSize = Data[1];
  if (PatternSize > Size - 2)
    PatternSize = Size - 2;
  const char *p = (char*)Data + 2;
  string Pat(p, p + PatternSize);
  string Str((char*)Data, Size);
  fnmatch(Pat.c_str(), Str.c_str() + 0, flags);

This is a very simple function that takes an array of bytes as a
parameter and does something interesting using one of the glibc's
public APIs.

Similar for wordexp:

  if (Size < 2) return;
  unsigned char flags = Data[0];
  const char *p = (char*)Data + 1;
  string Pat(p, Size - 1);
  wordexp_t w;
  if (!wordexp(Pat.c_str(), &w, flags | WRDE_NOCMD))

and for regcomp:

  if (Size < 3) return;
  unsigned char flags = Data[0];
  size_t PatternSize = Data[1];
  if (PatternSize > Size - 2)
    PatternSize = Size - 2;
  const char *p = (char*)Data + 2;
  string Pat(p, p + PatternSize);
  string Str((char*)Data, Size);
  regex_t r;
  flags = 0;  // Too many bugs.
  if (!regcomp(&r, Pat.c_str(), flags)) {
    // fprintf(stderr, "zzz\n");
    regexec(&r, "foo.*bar", 0, 0, 0);
    regexec(&r, Str.c_str(), 0, 0, 0);
    regexec(&r, Pat.c_str(), 0, 0, 0);

> do you have specific plans?

If you can implement a function
void TestOneInput(const unsigned char *Data, size_t Size);
that uses one of the glibc APIs in an interesting way as in the examples above
I can run it with the fuzzer on the instrumented glibc.
You can run yourself too, but the build process is a bit too hairy today.
The requirement for TestOneInput is that it runs reasonably fast (e.g. < 1ms)
and does not crash on malformed inputs (unless there is a bug).
For non-trivial kinds of input I may also need an initial set of
inputs (test corpus),
but for regcomp/fnmatch/wordexp and similar the fuzzer is capable of
generating the corpus from scratch.

Finish Glibc+Clang (
and integrate the LLMV fuzzer
or any similar coverage-guided fuzzer with the glibc testing process.


>> --kcc
>> On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 5:14 AM, Konstantin Serebryany
>> <> wrote:
>>> created, will add more
>>> content when/if I find such.
>>> On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 12:10 AM, Roland McGrath <> wrote:
>>>> It would be great if you could write something on the wiki pointing to
>>>> available fuzzers.

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