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"Roadmap to the manual" chapter in the manual has out of order chapters and missing chapters.


In the glibc manual we have a "Roadmap to the manual" section at
the end of the "Introduction" chapter.

The introductory text says "Here is an overview of the contents
of the remaining chapters of this manual.", but then proceeds to
list chapters out of order and some chapter are never referenced.

Any idea what the historical intent of this section was?

It would seem to me that either the manual's chapters are out
of order and the manual should be reordered, or the overview
should be filled out to include all chapters in their in-manual

The only logical argument one might have is that the overview
is intended as a newbie reading list, while the manual itself
is structured for easy reference. I don't buy that kind of
argument given the many ways there are to index into the manual


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