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Re: If glibc had a logo what would it be?

On 12/09/2012 04:40 AM, Chris Leonard wrote:
> there is a lot more involved in branding with a logo
> than booting up Inkscape

Don't I know it!  My employer, the University of California,
recently came up with a new logo, designed to be more
"contemporary" and "versatile" and Internet-friendly,
and they bungled it big-time:

The new UC logo is so ugly that it makes all the
previous glibc logo proposals look fabulous.
It's almost *refreshingly* bad.

> the Glossy Ibis ... might promote confusion with the GPL'ed Ibis project:

Oh, I don't know.  Their mascot is the African Sacred Ibis.
Completely different bird.  Nobody would confuse them.

> My own whimsical suggestion for a mascot would be a stylized, but
> playful "bridge troll"

Oh my.  My, my, my.

I do believe you've topped the new UC logo.

Baaack to the Glossy Ibis, then....

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