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Re: [PATCH] PowerPC - Add a faster way to get the thread id

On Mon, 2012-11-05 at 20:23 +0000, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Nov 2012, Roland McGrath wrote:
> > There is nothing powerpc-specific about that information, so it would never
> > be appropriate to add a powerpc-specific interface for it.  If you want to
> > make the case for adding a public interface to access this Linux-specific
> > information, make that case (I doubt we'll be convinced).
> The request for such an interface is bug 6399 - and 14300 for conversion 
> of a pthread_t to a TID.  If we conclude that we don't want such 
> interfaces then those bugs should be closed.

the bug 6399 and 14300 make a good case for providing a gettid() API. As
developer of high performance trace tools the lack of a gettid() is odd
give that TID values readily available from the TCB.

So I agree that it should not have be a PPC specific API and it is not a
POSIX API, but GLIBC provides other non-POSIX API and I don't understnad
why it would be hard to convince the community to add such simple and
obviously useful API.

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