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Suggestion of three new functions for glibc

These functions handle trimming of strings.
What is trimming? Trimming is removing from left and/or right side of
string all characthers matching trimmers. These functions do that.
The modification is done directly into the buffer, as the result will
require as much or less memory than original.

Please, feel free to comment or anything. Would be nice to hear what you

Aki Tossavainen
void strtrimleft(char *string, const char *trimmers) {
  char *cp;
  if ((!trimmers)||(!string)) return;
  for(cp = string; (*cp)&&(strchr(trimmers,*cp)); cp++);

void strtrimright(char *string, const char *trimmers) {
  char *cp;
  if ((!trimmers)||(!string)) return;
  for(cp = string + strlen(string); (cp >= string)&&(strchr(trimmers,*cp)); cp--);
  *(++cp) = '\0';

void strtrim(char *string, const char *trimmers) {

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