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make check problem in rawhide's glibc-2.2.4-20.src.rpm

Hi! Jakub

Thanks your works.

I tried your glibc-2.2.4-20.src.rpm on my linuxppc.
The compilation was no problem.

This is make check result.

   test data: WINDOWS-1258 -> UTF8 OK/OK -> WINDOWS-1258 OK/OK
      suntzu: ASCII -> WINDOWS-1258 -> ASCII OK/OK
   test data: ISO-2022-JP -> UTF8 OK/OK -> ISO-2022-JP OK/OK
test charmap: ISO-2022-JP -> UTF8 OK/FAILED                      <--- problem
      suntzu: ASCII -> ISO-2022-JP -> ASCII OK/OK
   test data: ISO-2022-JP-2 -> UTF8 OK/OK -> ISO-2022-JP-2 OK/OK
      suntzu: ASCII -> ISO-2022-JP-2 -> ASCII OK/OK
   test data: ISO-2022-KR -> UTF8 OK/OK -> ISO-2022-KR OK/OK
      suntzu: ASCII -> ISO-2022-KR -> ASCII OK/OK
   test data: ISO-2022-CN -> UTF8 OK/OK -> ISO-2022-CN OK/OK
      suntzu: ASCII -> ISO-2022-CN -> ASCII OK/OK
   test data: ISO-2022-CN-EXT -> UTF8 OK/OK -> ISO-2022-CN-EXT OK/OK

Please look iso-20220-jp problem in iconvdata/iconv-test.out


Attachment: iconvdata_iconv-test.out
Description: iconvdata_iconv-test.out

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