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Re: Question on dlopen

> Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 22:04:29 +0800
> From: Tung-Han Hsieh <>

> Hello,
> I have a question on dlopen(). Suppose that I have a ""
> which is build from
> gcc -fPIC -c A.c
> gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,A -o A.o -lB -ldl -L<path of libB.a>
> and I also have a "libB.a" which needs the db_open() and other
> functions

You mean db_open(), which is provided by libdb, or dlopen(), which is
provided by libdl?

In the first case, you need to link with libdb.

Also, you should specify the -L option before the -l option which
needs it.

> provided by standard libdl of glibc-2.1.1. But don't need to
> call db_open() directly, it will only call the functions of libB.a 
> directly. libB.a is compiled like this
> gcc -c B.c

You should use -fpic (or -fPIC) on this command, because B.o will end
up in

> ar cr libB.a B.o
> ranlib libB.a

The effect of all the above should be just like writing

gcc -fPIC -c A.c
gcc -c B.c
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,A -o A.o B.o -ldl

> Now I have a main program which use dlopen() to load
> 	void *ldso;
>         if (! (ldso = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY))) {
>             fprintf(stderr, "dlerror: %s\n", dlerror());
>             return  NULL;
>         }
> But when I run the main program, the dlopen false. The error message is
> like that "the dlopen() symbol not found".
> Could anyone suggest what should I do? Thank you very much.

How are you linking the main program?  You should be linking it like:

gcc -c main.c
gcc main.o -o main -ldl

Geoff Keating <>

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