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Re: ImagJ/Fiji 'binding' wrong number of args - help welcome

On 01/21/2018 12:58 AM, David Pirotte wrote:

But what is 'this' argument, how do I 'grab it' from imagej/fiji plugin?

That is not a question about Kawa.  It is a question about the imagej/fiji plugin.
How would you get the 'this' argument in a Java program? Somewhere in the
library or code that uses it there is a call 'new MaskThicknessMapWithOriginalTest'.
That result is what you need to pass to as the 'this' parameter.

If you want to write a Kawa wrapper for a Java plugin, you need to understand the
Java API - and how you would use the pluin in a Java application.  You then have the
option of designing a Kawa API that feels very different from the Java API - or
you can just use the "thin wraper" that Kawa gives you automatically.  Regardless,
you have to understand the Java API before you either use it directly or design
a Kawa library on top of it.
	--Per Bothner

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