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Difference in define behaviour between kawa.jar and embedded Scheme example

I have the following trivial example:

If I evaluate it on the command line:

$ java -jar kawa-3.0/lib/kawa.jar
#|kawa:1|# (define (six0 x) (+ 3 3))
#|kawa:2|# (define (+ x y) (* x y))
#|kawa:3|# (define (six1 x) (+ 3 3))
#|kawa:4|# (six0 0)
#|kawa:5|# (six1 0)

This is the behaviour I'd expect. If I then try (what appears to be)
the same thing from Java:

The program prints:

22:30:02.499 [main] DEBUG com.io7m.kawa_exp.SchemeExp0 - result: 9, 9

In other words, the redefinition of + on the second line is affecting
the existing definition of six0 so that the applications of six0 and
six1 are both returning 9. What's going on here?

This is an unmodified kawa jar from the 3.0 binary distribution.

Mark Raynsford |

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