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Re: a Kawa wikipedia page would be cool...

Hi Per,


Ah, I did enter 'kawa' in the search box of the hy wikipedia page before to post
here, and it does not list anything about Kawa_(Scheme_...). I just tried again
using the search box of the kawa page, just to confirm, and same 'no match'

	Maybe worth a word with the wikipedia folks...

I really don't like the 1st sentence, because it gives the impression it is for
language implementors only, where as, imo, kawa is a scheme implementation, first
and before anything else,  that allows programmers _not_ to have write java (the
clojure 'slogan, nobody should never have to write java code...)

The page should really be reviewed, to make it extremely attractive, and _the_
language that one would want to use if they have to do anything in java ... it
should also explains the advantages it has over clojure (start-up time and a so much
better integration with the java class system ...

	all this with real example, a real complete little app...

	a 2D clock, as I wrote for guile-clutter might be a good example, and how one
	could run it in java, and android ... maybe :)

Then it says

	To run Kawa on GNU/Linux:

		$ export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/path/to/kawa/kawa-1.10.jar

	1.10 ? ... 

Voilà :) my 2c

	Not me though, I'm totally over loaded with my GNU projects and rarely use
	kawa anyway (I do when I have to use imagej, precisely because I
	don't want to write in java...

	One of the superior advantage of kawa to clojure is that we don't even need
	to interact with the java ecosystem, just kawa -C mycode.scm > mycode.Class
	then we can import and, you feel like you are in Guile, or Racket

All we need is emacs, and a repl, then geiser:

	Per, any progress on dynamic (re)compilation? not a big deal, just

It is just that I am irritated to see clojure every where and never kawa, which is
so much better ... so today I did my part and added this entry in the HY page :):)


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