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Re: repl for android

On 08/31/2017 08:43 AM, Sonny To wrote:
One thing I like about Clojure for Android is the repl.  Is there a
repl for android where I can attach from emacs and eval some code and
dynamically construct a UI?

Kawa does includes a telnet server. You could start it on the phone with:
  java kawa.repl --port PORTNUM
where PORTNUM is the listening port.  (If you use 0, an available port is used.)

Then from your PC you can telnet to that port:


where IPADDR is that of your Android device.

I haven't tested this with an Android device.  Of course note that telnet
is unencrypted and insecure, so don't use an unencrypted WiFi connection.

Better, but more complex, would be to use a ssh server on the device.

Kawa's eval/repl on Android does have some limitations because you can't
construct new classes on the fly.  (On other targets repl/eval code is
first compiled to bytecode before it is executed.  That is not an option
on Android at this time.)
	--Per Bothner

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