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Android problems

Hello ;)

I've taken a bit of a hiatus, but now I'm back to playing with Kawa and
Android. I've run into a few problems...

1) Kawa seems to be compiled against 1.8, which uses
java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle a lot, which Android does not seem to
support. Is there a simple way to compile a kawa.jar against 1.6, so I
can use it for Android?

2) In the following code, I get a kawa segfault. It seems to be related
to the anonymous inner class, if I factor that out, things work fine.

(define-simple-class test (<>)
          ((onCreate (savedInstanceState :: <android.os.Bundle>)):: void
           (invoke-special <> (this) 'onCreate savedInstanceState)
           (let* ((self (this)))
             (let* ((adpt (object (<android.widget.ArrayAdapter>)
                                   (invoke-special <android.widget.ArrayAdapter> (this) '*init* self (static-field android.R$layout 'simple_list_item_1)))
                                  ((getView (position :: int) (convert-view :: android.view.View) (parent :: android.view.ViewGroup)) :: android.view.View
                    (lv (<android.widget.ListView> self adapter: adpt)))
               (setContentView lv)))))

> make -k
CLASSPATH=kawa.jar:/opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-14/android.jar java kawa.repl -d bin/classes -P test. --module-static-run --warn-undefined-variable --warn-unknown-member --warn-invoke-unknown-method -C foo.scm
(compiling foo.scm to
foo.scm:6: internal error while compiling foo.scm
	at gnu.bytecode.Scope.getVariable(
	at gnu.expr.ClassExp.compileMembers(
	at gnu.expr.LambdaExp.compileEnd(
	at gnu.expr.ClassExp.compileMembers(
	at gnu.expr.LambdaExp.compileEnd(
	at gnu.expr.Compilation.generateBytecode(
	at gnu.expr.Compilation.process(
	at gnu.expr.ModuleInfo.loadByStages(
	at gnu.expr.ModuleInfo.loadByStages(
	at kawa.repl.compileFiles(
	at kawa.repl.processArgs(
	at kawa.repl.main(
make: *** [Makefile:2: all] Error 255

Is this somehow my fault, or is this a bug in the compiler?

Thanks for any help!

Greetings, Peter

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