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Re: Help, writing kawa equivalent of java program

On 04/01/2017 01:20 PM, Sudarshan S Chawathe wrote:
(define-alias library com.sun.jna.Library)
(define-alias native com.sun.jna.Native)

(define-simple-class libc (library)
  interface: #t

(define inst::libc (native:loadLibrary "c" libc:class))
(display (inst:getpid))

I think you need to define the interface to have a getpid method with
the proper signature.  Here is a small example, somewhat similar to your
code, that I tried a while back and that works:

(define-simple-class clib (com.sun.jna.Library)
  interface: #t
  ((puts (s ::String)) ::void #!abstract))

Kawa should be able to infer the signature, so I believe you can write:

    ((puts (s)) #!abstract))

The problem is that:
defines a field, not a method (and non-statuc fields aren't allowed in interfaces).

Kawa should probably catch this error.
	--Per Bothner

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