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Re: StackOverflowError in a specialized map

really hard to solve, in a recursive way....

i have  rewrite the function with as much possible of tail recursion but it fails again:

;; map-nil-iter : a map version that exclude nil results
;; the same as map-with-lambdas but will exclude from the result list the '() result of function
;; (map-nil-iter + '() '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))  -> '(5 7 9)
;; (map-nil-iter (lambda (a b) (if (= a 2) '() (+ a b))) '() '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) -> '(5 9)
(define map-nil-iter
  (lambda (function result list1 . more-lists)

    (letrec ((some?
	      (lambda (fct list)
		;; returns #t if (function x) returns #t for 
		;; some x in the list
		(and (pair? list)
		      (fct (car list))
		      (some? fct (cdr list)))))))

      ;; variadic map implementation terminates
      ;; when any of the argument lists is empty.
      (let ((lists (cons list1 more-lists)))
	(if (some? null? lists)
	    (let ((funct-result (apply function (map car lists))))
	      (if (null? funct-result)
		  (apply map-nil-iter function result (map cdr lists))
		   (append result (list funct-result))
		   (map cdr lists)))))))))

;; (map-nil-iter-call +  '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))  -> '(5 7 9)
;; (map-nil-iter-call (lambda (a b) (if (= a 2) '() (+ a b))) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))  -> '(5 9)
(define map-nil-iter-call
  (lambda (function list1 . more-lists)
    (apply map-nil-iter function '() (cons list1 more-lists))))

the recursive call of map-nil-iter are no more encapsuled

have not try the --full-tailcalls options, will do it later....


Le Wednesday 15 March 2017 17:22:50 Per Bothner, vous avez écrit :
> On 03/15/2017 08:08 AM, Damien MATTEI wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > i have a custom definition of map ( at  line 392):
> >
> > ;; map-nil : a map version that exclude nil results
> > ;; the same as map-with-lambdas but will exclude from the result list the '() result of function
> > ;;
> > ;; (map-nil + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) -> '(5 7 9)
> > (define map-nil
> >   (lambda (function list1 . more-lists)
> >     (letrec ((some? (lambda (fct list)
> > 		      ;; returns #f if (function x) returns #t for
> > 		      ;; some x in the list
> > 		      (and (pair? list)
> > 			   (or (fct (car list))
> > 			       (some? fct (cdr list)))))))
> >
> >       ;; variadic map implementation terminates
> >       ;; when any of the argument lists is empty.
> >       (let ((lists (cons list1 more-lists)))
> > 	(if (some? null? lists)
> > 	    '()
> > 	    (let ((funct-result (apply function (map car lists))))
> > 	      (if (null? funct-result)
> > 		  (apply map-nil function (map cdr lists))
> > 		  (cons funct-result
> > 			(apply map-nil function (map cdr lists))))))))))
> >
> > i use it in various project since many years and this times it creates a java StackOverflowError on a big list (22527 elements),
> Not unexpected - you're recursing on a big list.
> > i'm not sure if it's only in kawa and java that the problem occur so
> > i'm near to code this function differently,
> Try compiling map-nil with --full-tailcalls.   That might do it.
> However, if the stack overflow is in the final apply, that won't be enough,
> because that apply is not a tail-call (because of the cons of the result).
> You can also try replacing:
>      (apply map-nil function (map XXX))
> by splice-notation:
>      (map-nil function @(map XXX))
> However, I don't think that would be enough for Kawa to be able to inline the tailcalls.
> That would require the splice argument to match up with the more-lists rest argument,
> which it doesn't.
> If you don't mind using set-cdr! that would be a relatively simple and efficient solution:
>    (if (not (null? funct-result))
>       (let ((new-cons (cons funct-result '()))
>           (if (null? last-pair)
>               (set! result new-cons)
>               (set-cdr! last-pair new-pair))
>           (set! last-pair new-cons))))
> Instead of using map, put the above snippet inside a for-each.
> (The list1 parameter seems strange, as it isn't used, as far as i can tell.)

--,, UNS / OCA / CNRS

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