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Re: match form as a generalization of case

thank you Per,
i will try this as soon as possible, if it is always build for jdk8 it
could be running because i must keep compatibility (and other people
are administering the server and they want to keep the
server secure with only well tested package and they do not want to
have anything to recompile-sic)on the tomcat server with jdk8 (not 7
or 9), openjdk8 for debian,  and with bigloo that is compiled for
Also the pakckaging of kawa seems to have changed from .jar to .zip i
suppose i can extract it to create a jar file the way i already do it
with bigloo that for the runtime lib, i must do that
because netbeans (and perheaps tomcat) only accept .jar files and zip
files are not recognized.I do not understand why switching from jar to
zip, seems to become general as it is more en more uncountered.

On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 5:35 AM, Per Bothner <> wrote:
> I checked into the invoke branch a new 'match' form.
> (Actually, it was there before, but was broken.)
> I also checked some pattern extension to make match more useful, and
> documentation.
> If you want to try it out without re-building form git,
> you can try this:
> That zip file includes the documentation, which you can browse
> with the command:
>   kawa-2.91_invoke/bin/kawa --browse-manual
> Here are the highlights.  Note also that lambda and let forms
> both take PATTERNs now.
>      The ‘match’ form is a generalization of ‘case’ using PATTERNs,
>           MATCH-KEY ::= EXPRESSION
>           MATCH-CLAUSE ::=
>             ‘(’ PATTERN [GUARD] BODY ‘)’
>      The MATCH-KEY is evaluated, Then the MATCH-CLAUSEs are tried in
>      order.  The first MATCH-CLAUSE whose PATTERN matches (and the
>      GUARD, if any, is true), is selected, and the corresponding BODY
>      evaluated.  It is an error if no MATCH-CLAUSE matches.
>           (match value
>             (0 (found-zero))
>             (x #if (> x 0) (found-positive x))
>             (x #if (< x 0) (found-negative x))
>             (x::symbol (found-symbol x))
>             (_ (found-other)))
>      One ‘case’ feature is not (yet) directly supported by ‘match’:
>      Matching against a list of values.  However, this is easy to
>      simulate using a guard using ‘memq’, ‘memv’, or ‘member’:
>           ;; compare similar example under case
>           (match (car '(c d))
>             (x #!if (memv x '(a e i o u)) ’vowel)
>             (x #!if (memv x '(w y)) ’semivowel)
>             (x x))
> 8.3.1 Patterns
> --------------
> The usual way to bind variables is to match an incoming value against a
> “pattern”.  The pattern contains variables that are bound to some value
> derived from the value.
>      (! [x::double y::double] (some-expression))
> In the above example, the pattern ‘[x::double y::double]’ is matched
> against the incoming value that results from evaluating
> ‘(some-expression)’.  That value is required to be a two-element
> sequence.  Then the sub-pattern ‘x::double’ is matched against element 0
> of the sequence, which means it is coerced to a ‘double’ and then the
> coerced value is matched against the sub-pattern ‘x’ (which trivially
> succeeds).  Similarly, ‘y::double’ is matched against element 1.
> The syntax of patterns is a work-in-progress.  (The focus until now has
> been in designing and implementing how patterns work in general, rather
> than the details of the pattern syntax.)
>        | ‘_’
>        | ‘’’DATUM
>        | PATTERN ‘::’ TYPE
>        | ‘[’ LPATTERN^{*} ‘]’
>        | ‘@’ PATTERN
>        | PATTERN ‘...’
>        | GUARD
>          BOOLEAN | number | CHARACTER | STRING
>      GUARD ::= ‘#!if’ EXPRESSION
> This is how the specific patterns work:
>      This is the simplest and most common form of pattern.  The
>      IDENTIFIER is bound to a new variable that is initialized to the
>      incoming value.
> ‘_’
>      This pattern just discards the incoming value.  It is equivalent to
>      a unique otherwise-unused IDENTIFIER.
>      Matches if the value is ‘equal?’ to the PATTERN-LITERAL.
> ‘’’DATUM
>      Matches if the value is ‘equal?’ to the quoted DATUM.
>      The incoming value is coerced to a value of the specified TYPE, and
>      then the coerced value is matched against the sub-PATTERN.  Most
>      commonly the sub-PATTERN is a plain IDENTIFIER, so the latter match
>      is trivial.
> ‘[’ LPATTERN^{*} ‘]’
>      The incoming value must be a sequence (a list, vector or similar).
>      In the case where each sub-pattern is a plain PATTERN, then the
>      number of sub-patterns must match the size of the sequence, and
>      each sub-pattern is matched against the corresponding element of
>      the sequence.  More generally, each sub-pattern may match zero or
>      more consequtive elements of the incoming sequence.
>      No incoming value is used.  Instead the EXPRESSION is evaluated.
>      If the result is true, matching succeeds (so far); otherwise the
>      match fails.  This form is called a “guard”
>      (
> --
>         --Per Bothner

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