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Re: Reflection on function argument types

On 12/27/2016 09:34 PM, Duncan Mak wrote:

I wrote the following code:

(import (srfi 1))
(define (foo (a :: integer)) (+ a a))
(define (hello-number (n :: number) (i :: number)) (list "number" n))
(define (hello-string (s :: string)) (list "string" s))
(define (print-types (func :: gnu.mapping.MethodProc))
  (display (procedure-property func 'name)) (newline)
  (for-each (lambda (t) (display t) (newline))
            (map (lambda (i) (func:getParameterType i)) (iota
(print-types foo)
(print-types hello-number)
(print-types hello-string)

I'm surprise to see that the output differs between foo and hello-*:

Type integer

ClassType java.lang.Object
ClassType java.lang.Object

ClassType java.lang.Object

Why is it that I only see java.lang.Object for the hello-* functions?
Shouldn't number and string show up, like it did for foo?

This turns out to be a problem with demangling.  'foo' works because
it doesn't have any special characters.

In in resolveParameterTypes it says:
            String mangledName = Mangling.mangleNameIfNeeded(name);
but it should be:
            String mangledName = Mangling.mangleName(name);
Unfortunately, fixing this improves the accuracy of type-checking
enough to cause some problems.  For example this code
(simplified from r7rs-tests.scm):

(let ((val 'abc))
  (cond ((and (complex? val)
              (not (nan? val)))
         (display val))))

Kawa complains that the call to nan? is invalid because the argument val
is a symbol.  This is bogus, since the previous test to complex? ensures
nan? is never called.

I created this issue:
	--Per Bothner

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