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kawa.include.path and "|"; library setup recommendations?


  Q1. How is "|" in kawa.include.path interpreted in the case of
       nested includes?

	Q2. Any recommendations for setting up local libraries for Kawa?


I have a question that I think is about the semantics of "|" in
kawa.include.path.  Briefly, in the case of nested includes, does the
"|" refer to the directory of the original (top level) file or the
directory of the most recent including file?

I thought it would refer to the most recent (innermost) including
file, but I suspect I am wrong (or something is messed up in my

For example, suppose I have set kawa.include.path to "|:/a/b" and the
following files exist:


I have a top-level file work.scm (in working directory /p/q, say)
which has the form (include "c/d.sld") in it.  Further, the file d.sld
has (include "e.scm") in it.  I have found that Kawa locates d.sld as
expected but complains about not being able to locate e.scm.  Adding
the directory /a/b/c to kawa.include.path solves the problem.

My more general, and bit more vague, question is: What is a
recommended method for setting up libraries locally for Kawa?

Background: I'm trying to set up a local directory structure that will
make it easy to import libraries into Kawa.  Currently, I'm using some
material from, some from the TaylanUB/scheme-srfis
collection from GitHub, and some minor home-grown code.  I'd like to
just be able to unpack the files in a directory or two and then have
(include "foo/bar.sld") and the like work without having to modify
include paths.  (I realize Snow has a solution to a very similar
problem, but I think I'd need something else for non-Snow code anyway.)



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