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Re: (kawa pictures) library SVG error?

On 10/16/2016 10:01 AM, Sudarshan S Chawathe wrote:
In experimenting with the new (kawa pictures) library I encountered a
minor error:

  * picture-write-svg: The resulting file seems to have a syntax error
    (at least chromium and emacs both complain about it).  For example,

      (picture-write-svg (with-paint 'hot-pink
                         (hbox (fill circ1) (draw circ1)))

    I get the following from in a chromium browser:

      error on line 2 at column 44: Space required after the Public

    Adding the space where suggested in the SVG file fixes the problem.

Oops ... I checked in a fix.
Thanks for testing this!
	--Per Bothner

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