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kawa binary snapshot with domterm-based console

The latest Kawa snapshot:
supports a completely new console (REPL) window (as started by -w).

Before, when you created a new REPL window using -w (or no arguments
in an environment with no Console) Kawa would create a Swing-based REPL:
This Swing-based REPL is no longer the default.  Instead, Kawa uses
DomTerm ( running in a JavaFX WebView.

One advantage of DomTerm over the Swing console is that it is compatible
with JLine3 (as mentioned in my 06/06 message), so you get Line3's
multi-line editing. history, tab-completion etc.  You can disable JLine3 with
the command-line flag console:use-jline=no, in which case you get DomTerm's
builtin line-editing (based on WebKit's contenteditable support), which
includes basic history support (up/down-arrow but no history search).

The DomTerm+JLine3 combination works out-of-the-box on Windows, using
the binary snapshot.

Another big advantage of DomTerm is you can "print" HTML expressions,
including images and SVG.  See the for some examples.
For example to print a cat image:

#|kawa:1|# #<img src=""/>

You can also control the appearance of the DomTerm window using a
CSS stylesheet.  The new domterm-load-stylesheet procedure takes a literal
stylesheet (and an optional name, defaulting to "kawa") and loads it.
For example:

#|kawa:2|#  (domterm-load-stylesheet "div.domterm { background-color: yellow }")
To load from a stylesheet file use the '&<' load-whole-file syntax:

(domterm-load-stylesheet &<{foo.css})
(domterm-load-stylesheet &<[filename-expression])

The Swing console is still available, if you specific the command-line
flag console:use-domterm=no or if DomTerm fails to load (if JavaFX
or the domterm.jar are missing).

I've also implemented interrupt handing: If you have an infinite loop,
you can interrupt it with ctrl-c (at least on my Fedora Linux system).
(When jline is enabled, asit is by default, there are glitches in
ctrl-c handling that I haven't worked out yet.)

	--Per Bothner

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