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Re: RE : Re: What is the Development Environment of Choice for Kawa?

On 02/18/2016 11:38 AM, Rafik Naccache  (TNTeam Rocks!) wrote:
Actually I managed to use swank/sLime with Kawa. But half of its functionality is broken.

I'm afraid Swank/Slime with Kawa isn't actively maintained.
Helmut Eller wrote/maintained it, but he is no longer involved.
I don't know the details - it maybe that the Swank model isn't
a great match for Kawa's more static binding mode - or for the JVM.

OTOH if you have experience with and were productive with Swank/Clojure,
perhaps we can get Swank/Kawa working, possibly by studying how Clojure does things.

I am an emacs guy so this probably helps me, especially as I use smartparens  (a new paredit) ans rainbow delimiters.

Maybe I shall write a Kawa.el mode on emacs  Like cider fir clojure, in which case I 'll need some hints on how completion works, etc...

@ Per, When do you plan to release the code hot loading fixes in SVN?

I don't have anything usable at this point, and I'm back-logged on other
projects (DomTerm; Kawa arrays; Kawa new invocation model with patterns; more)
that I don't know when I'll be able to spend time on it.  It's moderately
high priority, but so is finishing up various half-finished projects!

Until then, you can try the --no-inline flag, and be prepared to re-load
everything after changes.  One of the big advantages of Kawa that its
fast compiler and loading makes re-starting ok.
	--Per Bothner

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