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Re: How do i debug --no-inline or --full-tailcalls options?

On 02/11/2016 12:51 AM, OKUMURA Yuki wrote:
EXAMPLE1: --full-tailcalls

Following program requires --full-tailcalls to run with "java
kawa.repl -r7rs prog.sps".
Otherwise, Kawa gives java.lang.VerifyError.

(import (scheme base))

(define (ssplit-parse-byte0-ORIG byte)
   (case byte
     ((NONE) (values 'NONE #f))
     (else (values 'OTHERS #f))))

Why do we need --full-tailcalls here?
Removing CASE should compile fine so I guess there's something
different around (scheme base)
exported VALUES procedure here..

I've checked in a fix for this, but I'm not satisfied with it.
Or rather: The fix is fine, but there is some needless code
generated by the compiler.  I know how to fix that - but then
that causes other problems I'm still working on.
	--Per Bothner

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