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Re: packaging classes in kawa

i do not understand well...

i have a netbeans project for testing all those stuff:

in java file i have :

package eu.oca;

import gnu.expr.RunnableModule;
import gnu.lists.LList;
import gnu.lists.Pair;

import eu.oca.scheme.Vector2D;


     * Retrieves representation of an instance of eu.oca.serviceResource
     * @return an instance of java.lang.String
    public String getHtml(
                @DefaultValue("toto") @QueryParam("name") String nom
    ) {
        Vector2D vec = new Vector2D( 1, 2);

    Object[] lst = {2, 3};
    double res=vec.norm();
    //Object result =;

    LList glst = new LList();
    //glst = glst.list2(2,3); // works also
    glst = LList.list2(2,3);
        Object result0 =;
    int r = (int) result0;
    Pair pair = new Pair(2, LList.Empty);
    Pair pair2 = new Pair(3, pair);
    LList glst2 = new LList();
    glst2 = pair2;

    Object result =;

    Object result1 = vec.carre(glst);

        CreateHTML html = new CreateHTML();
        //TODO return proper representation object
        return html.getHtml()+"<h1>REST in peace " + nom + " with "+
glst + " r = "+ r +" glst2 : "+glst2+" result : "+result+" result1
:"+result1+" !</h1>";
        //throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

and a kawa scheme file:

(module-name "eu.oca.scheme.Vector2D")

(define-simple-class Vector2D ()


i made a jar file of eu.oca.scheme.Vector2D put it in library in the
project with add jar/folder in the IDE
all compile now very well and run on a tomcat server

this is of course only for testing... i can call kawa scheme function
from a java netbeans project, that was what i wanted.

well ok your right i imported the class, but for netbeans i was forced
to put the kawa generated classes in a  package ,i can not import in the
project a simple class with no source code .

Le 25/09/2015 17:14, Per Bothner a Ãcrit :
> On 09/25/2015 06:10 AM, Damien Mattei wrote:
>> great !
>> so the scheme modules map to java packages...
> No, Scheme modules map to Java *classes*.
> This is the "module class" itself.  They may be additional
> classes (ones defined by define-class/define-simple-class,
> and "frame" classes used for closures).  This are all in the same
> package.
> The frame classes are member classes or inner classes.
> A define-class is (by default) a member class of the module class;
> a define-simple-class is (by default) a sibling class (unless it has
> same name as the module class, in which case they are combined).

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