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Re: Using Kawa extensions in R7RS libraries

On 07/06/2015 12:29 AM, ElÃas Alonso G.-Cornejo wrote:
The patch works correctly but raises another issue: (future ...) and
(runnable ...) are not included in (kawa base).

'runnable' appears to have been in (kawa base).
I also added 'future' and 'sleep.'

I don't know if they
should be included, but if I require kawa/lib/thread.scm with (import
thread), any attempt to call (future ...) will show the following

warning - no declaration seen for lambda

And fail. I fixed it by adding (import (scheme base)) at the top of
kawa/lib/thread.scm but I'm not sure if that's the best way to do it.

Yes, that is the correct idea, though I used prim_imports instead.
	--Per Bothner

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