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Re: conditional bindings

On 12/09/2014 01:16 PM, Jamison Hope wrote:
On Dec 9, 2014, at 12:48 AM, Per Bothner <> wrote:

The syntax (? NAME::TYPE VALUE) can be used in conditional forms:
if, and, cond, etc.  First VALUE is evaluated.  Then if the result
is an compatible with TYPE, then NAME is bound to the result
(possibly after conversion).  The result is #t, but with the "side effect"
that NAME is lexically bound in "following forms".  If VALUE doesn't
match TYPE then the ?-form is false.

Is the result actually #t, or some unspecified true value?

Well, (? NAME::TYPE VALUE) isn't actually an expression - it's more a
pseudo-expression or a "sub-clause" of and/if/etc.

Is something like this supposed to work?

#|kawa:1|# (define (f x) (cond ((? r ::real x) => (lambda (y) y)) (else #f)))
/dev/stdin:1:22: '?' is only allowed in a conditional e.g. 'if' or 'and'

No, I don't think that makes sense.  However, the following does:

(define (f x) (cond ((? r ::real x) r) (else #f)))

Types backed by Java primitives seem to be troublesome.  I get VerifyErrors
("Bad type on operand stack") with the following:

(define (f x) (if (? b ::boolean x) b #f))

(define (f x) (if (? c ::character x) c #\?))

Ouch.  I fixed those. I also fixed char and character-or-eof.
(The char type doesn't match for characters above #\xFFFF, but character does.)

What types of implicit conversions are to be expected?  I find the
difference between these to be slightly unintuitive.

#|kawa:5|# (map (lambda (x) (if (? i ::int x) i -1)) '(3 "hello" 3.5 #\?))
(3 -1 3 -1)
#|kawa:6|# (map (lambda (x) (if (? i ::integer x) i -1)) '(3 "hello" 3.5 #\?))
(3 -1 -1 -1)

Note that 3.5 becomes int 3, but not integer 3.

I think both of those should be false.

Likewise for 'short' should *not* match if the values is not in the 'short' range.

#|kawa:7|# (map (lambda (x) (if (? s ::string x) s "N/A")) '(3 "hello" 3.5 #\?))
(N/A hello N/A N/A)


#|kawa:8|# (map (lambda (x) (if (? s ::String x) s "N/A")) '(3 "hello" 3.5 #\?))
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: String

"String" is a special kind of type - which always matches.  I checked in a fix for this.

Btw I checked in some tests loosely based on your tests.
	--Per Bothner

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