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Re: r7rs libraries question

On 11/09/2014 10:17 PM, Jeff Gonis wrote:
I was playing around with kawa 1.9 as I worked to figure out the
library syntax that arrived with r7rs. I have run into a bit of a
puzzle regarding libraries and built-in functions and I thought I
would contact the list to see if I was misunderstanding the standard,
misunderstanding how kawa interacts with the repl, or just plain
making a mistake.

What you want is reasonable.  However, the REPL (or more generally:
the dynamic top-level environment), as always, causes complications.

I tried inlining the define-library into a single file:

(define-library (lib1)
  (import (except (scheme base) square))
  (export square)
    (define (square n)
      (* n 2))))

(import (scheme base))
(import (prefix (lib1) lib1-))

(display (square 8)) (newline)
(display (lib1-square 8)) (newline)

When I do the following:
$ kawa -f lib1.scm

I get
as you describe.

When I do the following:
$ kawa -f lib1.scm

I get an ExceptionInInitializerError :-(

I will try to figure out what is going on - in both modes.
	--Per Bothner

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