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Re: issue: class field and its usage from lambda

On 08/07/2012 09:05 AM, Fushacko Tito wrote:
(define-class FailClass ()
   (x ::float access: 'private init: 0.0)

((wrap-x) (lambda () x))

    (letrec ( (wrap-func  (lambda () (wrap-x))) )

For both Kawa 1.12.1 (revision 7282) and Kawa 1.12 release i got this traceback:
[imdagger@blacktears]$ java -jar /home/imdagger/kawa/kawa/kawa-1.12.1.jar -C test.scm
(compiling test.scm to test)
test.scm:4: internal error while compiling test.scm
	at gnu.expr.LambdaExp.setCallersNeedStaticLink(

I checked in a fix for this in the Subversion repository.

This is related to using define-class rather than define-simple-class;
the manual discusses the difference:
	--Per Bothner

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