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Re: Android: more than one definitely applicable method

On 07/26/2012 11:05 PM, wrote:
Sometimes I get the following warning when a method has been overloaded
for multiple types:

test.scm:42:8: more than one definitely applicable method `put' in android.content.ContentValues
   candidate: void android.content.ContentValues.put(java.lang.String,java.lang.Double)
   candidate: void android.content.ContentValues.put(java.lang.String,java.lang.Long)
   candidate: void android.content.ContentValues.put(java.lang.String,java.lang.Float)

In this case, I have the following code:

(let ((values (<android.content.ContentValues>)))
   (let ((oid :: long 5))
     (values:put game-_id oid)))

which should probably choose the second candidate.

I agree. I created:

It seems that Kawa
gets confused by the implicit casts between primitive types here, but
I've seen the same problem with <java.lang.String> and

Is there any way to tell the compiler that I really want exactly the
method for <long> here?

Well, the change the type seems to work:

(let ((values (<android.content.ContentValues>)))
  (let ((oid :: java.lang.Long 5))
    (values:put game-_id oid)))
or you can do:
  (values:put game-_id (as java.lang.Long oid))
  (values:put game-_id (java.lang.Long oid))
  (values:put game-_id (java.lang.Long:valueOf oid))
	--Per Bothner

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