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Re: GSOC | Extending Common Lisp support

I'm having a bizarre problem with the Java debugger.

#|kawa:4|# (invoke-static gnu.kawa.lispexpr.LispPackage 'valueOfNoCreate "CL")

This is exactly what I'd expect. I've placed a breakpoint in the
valueOfNoCreate method (shown below for completeness), but the
debugger is not stopping in it, it's almost like the method doesn't
exist to the debugger. I can break in other methods of the file, just
not this one. Is there some sort of compiler optimisation that might
be causing this? Anyone ever experienced something like it before?
Even print statements in the method are not being output, despite the
file being picked up by make.

  public static Namespace valueOfNoCreate (Object name)
    String sname;
    if (name == null)
      sname = "";
    else if (name instanceof Symbol)
      sname = name.toString().toUpperCase();
    else if (name instanceof LispPackage)
      return (LispPackage) name;
      sname = (String) name;

    return (Namespace) nsTable.get(sname);


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