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Re: GSOC | Extending Common Lisp support

* Charles Turner [2012-06-20 15:44] writes:

> Thanks for the information. I intended to do DEFPACKAGE today, but
> instead I've been stuck on a bug.
> I get a VerifyError when  I try to use the DO form in CL. The same
> behaviour can be observed from the kawa-1.12 release jar.
> #|kawa:1|# (do ((temp-one 1 (+ 1 temp-one))
>                       (temp-two 0 (- temp-two 1)))
>                      ((> (- temp-one temp-two) 5) temp-one))
> /dev/stdin:1:1: warning - no declaration seen for %do-lambda1
> [ ... bunch of undefined variable errors ...]
> exception while initializing module atInteractiveLevel$1
> 	at gnu.expr.ModuleContext.findInstance(
> 	at gnu.expr.ModuleExp.evalModule2(
> 	at gnu.expr.ModuleExp.evalModule(
> 	at
> 	at
> 	at
> 	at kawa.repl.main(
> Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: atInteractiveLevel$1,
> method: run signature: (Lgnu/mapping/CallContext;)V) Accessing value
> from uninitialized register 3
> 	at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0(Native Method)
> 	at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredFields(
> 	at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(
> 	at gnu.expr.ModuleContext.findInstance(
> 	... 6 more
> The "no declaration seen for %do-lambda1" is perplexing, as it's
> definitely being loaded in the CL startup. It's interesting to note
> that evaluating "do" in Scheme causes the std_syntax.scm file to be
> evaluated once, but subsequent evals of "do" do not cause this. This
> behaviour is not seen when evaluating "#'do" in CL. Not sure if this
> is a useful data point or not.
> Another difference is that defSntxStFld("do", "kawa.lib.std_syntax");
> is in Scheme, but not CommonLisp, adding it made no difference to my
> error.

Sounds like a namespace issue: the Scheme macro binds %do-lambda1 in
variable namespace but CL looks it up in the function namespace and
doesn't find it.  I guess that means that DO is broken and you must
iterate via tail-recursion.  With MAKE-SYMBOL and LABELS it should also
be possible to write simple/partial versions of DOLIST or DO as macros,

> The second problem I had to today is type declarations of &rest
> arguments. The following works as expect in Scheme
> (define apply (f #!rest (args :: Object[])) ...)
> but this fails (because rest args gets the type PairWithPosition too
> early I think, and so later cannot be cast to an Object[] later)
> (defun apply (f &rest args)
>   (declare (Object[] args) ...)
> Any ideas how to approach fixing this (or what the real problem is?).

The rest argument is always a list in standard CL.  So I would not
expect that that declaration works.  (Object[] is also not a standard CL
type specifier; in standard CL one would write SIMPLE-VECTOR.)

> Sorry for the lack of progress!

Well, it's pretty hard to write anything in a language that hasn't even
an iteration construct :-)


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