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Re: kawa goals

On Oct 14, 2010, at 6:24 AM, Helmut Eller wrote:

* Per Bothner [2010-10-14 07:27] writes:

Actually, I was thinking about asking people for requests.
I.e. if there was one or two improvements to Kawa you could vote
for, what would they be? For example we could work on: support for
annotations; easier gui programming; improved R6RS compatibility; call/cc;
persistence; database access; easier web programming; better
type inference; sequence/iteration APIs; Scala-like "views"; data
binding; string template syntax; etc etc.

Out of those: iteration. At least something like Common Lisp's LOOP or
ITERATE. Ideally something like SERIES[1] (with loop fusion for nested
series expressions) combined with a terse comprehension syntax for the
common case (i.e. map+filter+reduce).

In general, make Kawa more "friendly", e.g. add doc-strings, make it
easy to find the source file of functions, add an object inspector etc.

[OTOH, to become "rich and famous" you should probably do something
related to parallelism and/or cluster/cloud computing :-)]



+1 for docstrings. Especially if we had a tool which would scan a source file for docstrings and generate Javadoc from them (bonus points if it does this by generating a real com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc and passing it to a specified Doclet).

I would also very much like to see support for annotations. In fact, I
suspect that an Annotation would be a reasonable way to implement
docstrings, since they're a form of meta-data which should be
available at runtime.

I don't have a good feel for what incompatibilities remain between
Kawa and the R6RS spec; an update to would be helpful.

I know some folks who would like to see a page describing the status
of Common Lisp support, too.


Jamison Hope
The PTR Group

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