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rnrs hashtables

I just tried to do this:

(import (rnrs hashtables))
(define objects :: hashtable (make-eq-hashtable))

and got the error "unknown type name 'hashtable'". So I looked, and, sure enough, 'hashtable' isn't exported. This works:

(import (rnrs hashtables)
        (only (kawa hashtable) hashtable))
(define objects :: hashtable (make-eq-hashtable))

but seems a little tedious. I know that kawa/lib/rnrs/hashtables.scm is exporting exactly the set of functions called for in the R6RS chapter on Hashtables, and so I'm not sure whether to classify this as a bug or just an inconvenience.

There's obviously contention between pure (untyped) RNRS Scheme and native (typed) Kawa; Per, is it your intention when implementing rnrs standard libraries to export only the functions in the spec and not the underlying data types which they use? That should be in the documentation, I think.


Jamison Hope
The PTR Group

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