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Re: Kawa proposed typing changes

On 09/26/2009 11:21 AM, Helmut Eller wrote:
* Per Bothner [2009-09-26 18:34+0200] writes:
A minor question is if

(+ int (+ integer-literal integer-literal))

has a different type than

(+ (+ int integer-literal) integer-literal)

Good question. They both get int type:

(define (Foo (x :: int))
  (let ((y (+ x (+ 2 3)))
	(z (+ (+ x 5) 7)))
    (* y z)))


Method name:"Foo" public static Signature: (int)int
Attribute "Code", length:81, max_stack:3, max_locals:3, code_length:15
  0: iload_0
  1: iconst_5
  2: iadd
  3: iload_0
  4: iconst_5
  5: iadd
  6: bipush 7
  8: iadd
  9: istore_2
 10: istore_1
 11: iload_1
 12: iload_2
 13: imul
 14: ireturn

or string conversions are needed.

What "string conversions" were you thinking about?

Code like this:

(define (foo (s java.lang.String)) s)
(define (bar (s String)) (foo s))
(define (baz (s gnu.lists.FString)) (bar s))

(let ((x (string #\a)))
   (list (instance? x java.lang.String)
         (instance? (baz x) java.lang.String)))

=> (#f #t)

Apparently x gets converted to java.lang.String somewhere along the way.

Warnings about
improper tail calls would also be nice.

I'm concerned about too many false positives. Any ides for avoiding that?

If there is a compiler switch like [no-]warn-tail-calls it could be used as argument to with-compile-options on selected regions. Or the compiler switch could also have arguments to name [un]interesting functions like

  (with-compile-options warn-tail-calls: (foo) no-warn-tail-calls: (bar)
    (if x
        (foo) ; warn
        (bar) ; ignore

BTW, it would be useful if Kawa had a disassemble function which takes procedures as argument. That would be much more convenient than compiling to a class file and calling javap on it.

I agree. More soon ... -- --Per Bothner

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