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Re: Macro expansion problem

On 05/19/2009 11:26 AM, Dan Stanger wrote:
The following test program prints
Trace1: (symbol->string (quote b))
upon loading.  define-input is not passed into the function,
test-exprs->proc, but is matched anyway.

The problem appears to be when creating the template for the 2nd rule in:

(define-syntax test-out (syntax-rules (test-content-type! define-input) ((test-out (test-content-type! expr ...)) (test-content-type! expr ...)) ((test-out (define-input form)) (mtrace1 (define-input form))) ((test-out expr) (display expr )) )) (test-out ,@exprs))))

Somehow the define-input in the pattern fails to match the define-input in the literals list, so define-input is read as a pattern variable.

I haven't yet had time to figure out whether this would
be an easy or difficult fix - I have to remind myself
how the macro processing works ...  (The complication
is how "hygiene" is handled.)
	--Per Bothner

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