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Macro expansion problem

The following test program prints
Trace1: (symbol->string (quote b))
upon loading.  define-input is not passed into the function,
test-exprs->proc, but is matched anyway.

;;; x.scm -- display macro expansion problem

(define-syntax mtrace1
       (syntax-rules ()
         ((mtrace1 x)
           (display "Trace1: ") (write 'x) (newline)

(define (test-exprs->proc exprs)

      (define-syntax define-input
	    (syntax-rules ()
	      ((define-input var)
	       (define var 1))

	    (syntax-rules (test-content-type!
	      ((test-out (test-content-type! expr ...))
	       (test-content-type! expr ...))
	      ((test-out (define-input form))
	       (mtrace1 (define-input form)))
	      ((test-out expr) (display expr ))
	(test-out ,@exprs))))

(define (test-make-nal l)
  (eval (test-exprs->proc l)))

(define (test-content-type! c type)
  (set-car! (cdddr (cddddr c)) type))

((test-make-nal '((symbol->string (quote b)))))

Dan Stanger
Eaton Vance Management
Two International Place 
Boston, MA 02110
Mobile: 617 646 9682
Office: 617 672 8261

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