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Re: Getting rid of the "edit-compile-run-cycle" for Kawa

The last few days I've done some work on modules and dependencies.
Things seems to work better now - please try again with the current
SVN source.

Ethan Herdrick wrote:
I'm not seeing that behavior.  For one thing, I'm getting the (require
"foo.scm") usage to work from within a servlet.  But if that file,
"foo.scm" contains a (require "bar.scm"), I can't get that second
require to work.

It seems to work now, at least for me.

What should "bar.scm" be?  An absolute path, like
"/usr/tomcat/webapps/someapp/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/bar.scm"?  Or a path
relative to the calling file's path?

I guess the former will work, but the latter is of course recommended.

I've tried absolute and relative
paths and only the absolute paths are working for calls to require
from within servlets, but as I mention above, nothing is working for
me when calling from a static module file.

I haven't tried a "static module file", but this works:


(require 'http)
(require "result.scm")
(define (num-parameter name default)
  (string->number (request-parameter name default)))

(define sum1 (num-parameter 'sum1 0))
(define sum2 (num-parameter 'sum2 1))

 (html:head (html:title "Accumulating adder"))

  (html:form method:'POST

     (html:td (result-so-far))
       name: 'sum1
       value: (+ sum1 sum2))))
     (html:td "Add to it:")
      (html:input name: 'sum2 value: sum2))))
   (html:input type:"submit" value:"Submit"))))


(define (result-so-far)
  "The result so far is: ")

If I modify the "The result so far is: " then that
get reflected when I reload adder.scm.

It also works if I rename "adder.scm" to plain "adder",
as long as the file starts with:

;; This is -*- scheme -*-

As you suggest, there may also be some Windows-specific
problems - I've only tested this on GNU/Linux.  But first
see if the changes I made have helped.
	--Per Bothner

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