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Re: how to start kawa inside a running java application

Thanks Jim,

I actually needed to start repl on a socket from inside a running java
app and connect to it via telnet, I ended up with something like the
code below...

For some reason I had to add lines (1) and (2). Before I added them,
line (3) was returning null....

 static void startKawaRepl(final int port) throws IOException {
   Language previousLanguage = Language.getInstance(null);  // (1)
   Language.setDefaults(previousLanguage);                           // (2)
   Runnable r = new Runnable() {
     final ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(port);
     public void run() {
       try {
         while(true) {
           TelnetRepl.serve(Scheme.getInstance("scheme"), ss.accept());  // (3)
       } catch (IOException ioe) {
         // nothing

   Thread t = new Thread(r);


On 7/12/07, Jim White <> wrote:
Boris Mizhen - wrote:

> Hello all,
> I wonder how to start kawa inside a running java application and get
> access to repl?

There are a lot of ways to do that.  If you're just looking for a
different way to start the repl, looking at will show you that
the command line start up main-class is kawa.repl.  So
'kawa.repl.main(new String[0])' will get you a prompt on


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