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Re: "unbound location string->number"

Steve Smith wrote:
On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 at 08:58:41PM -0700, Per Bothner wrote:
You almost certainly want to compile with --module-static or

Ah, OK. I've added (module-static #t) to the top of the scheme class and that solves the immediate compilation problems. However that brings me back to the problem I originally encountered:

  java -classpath .:/opt/kawa-snapshot/share/java/kawa.jar JavaTest
  Exception in thread "main" test-inline.scm:8:16: unbound location string->number        at gnu.mapping.Location.get(
        at JavaTest.main(

Am I missing something else?

I'll take a look. I have managed to duplicate the problem.

I do notice that the string->number procedure is defined
(in kawa/standard/ using define_proc, which
I've been trying to phase out.  The fix for string->number
is almost certainly to get rid of the string2number class.
I expect that should be fairly easy.
	--Per Bothner

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