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Function Definitions in Static Modules


I'm having some trouble using static modules from Java. I have a set of test cases, attached.

Here's the Kawa Scheme code for the module:

(define (f x) (+ 1 x))

(define (make-adder i) (lambda (x) (+ i x)))

(define g (make-adder 1))

(define (h x) (g x))

I can call all the functions if the module is imported into a scheme program with require [test-def-req.scm in attachment]. However, if I try to invoke the static methods g or h from Java or from Scheme problems arise. Firstly, g is not exported as a method; I can guess why. Second, invoking h gives a null pointer exception when it tries to invoke g; I find this harder to accept. For example, in []:

System.out.println("(h 41) -> " + TestDefModule.h(41));

will lead to a NullPointerException.

Similarly, with this Kawa code [test-def-stat-broken.scm]:

  (display (format "(invoke-static <TestDefModule> 'h 41) -> ~A\n"
                   (invoke-static <TestDefModule> 'h 41)))

I get a NullPointerException:

        at TestDefModule.h(test-def.scm:13)
        at gnu.expr.ModuleBody.runAsMain(
        at TestDefStatBroken.main(test-def-stat-broken.scm)

I found that I could fix the scheme case by adding (require <TestDefModule>) [see test-def-stat.scm]. I wasn't sure what the equivalent was in Java, but I eventually found that this fixes the probem []:

        TestDefModule td = new TestDefModule();;

I then tried to port the fix from my test case back to my real code and ran into a related problem: I have a static module that is used by a class created with define-simple-class, which in turn is used by a Java class. I found it necessary to add a non-default constructor to my define-simple-class in order to initialise the module. For the test case [see test-def-class.scm] I need:

((*init*) (invoke (make <TestDefModule>) 'run))

My question is this: is it always necessary to invoke the run method on a static module for functions like h to work, or am I doing something wrong?



Attachment: test-def.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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