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Re: Problem in loading a system in Kawa 1.8

Seppo Törmä wrote:
We have a large system implemented in Java and Scheme using Kawa.

Interesting. Would it make sense to add a paragraph to the "Projects using Kawa" web-page?

The function make-canonic-name is defined in another file (belonging
to another module).

But is that other file required by the file that uses it? Doing so is optional, but a good idea. If you require all the needed modules, Kawa can generate better code. Also, you can compile with (module-compile-options warn-undefined-variable: #t warn-invoke-unknown-method: #t) which is very useful for catching mistakes.

However, requiring the module that exports make-canonic-name is
optional.  If you don't, it should look for make-canonic-name in
the dynamic environment opf the current thread.

When a module is loaded, it's definitions are no longer automaticlly
placed in the global (or thread's) environment.  However, I think
the loadClassFile shoudl take care of tha, since it calls defineAll.

Are we making some simple error in loading the system? Are there some
changes in 1.8 that affect the way the system should be defined or

Quite likely, since they way thread-specific environments and Location sharing was done was changed. However, I don't know specifically what caused your system to fail. -- --Per Bothner

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