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Re: change in static modules

With the latest sources, configured --with-java-source=5, threads can no
longer update module-level variables.  I don't know if it's a side-effect of the
change you just made, but it's a relatively recent change; my app works
with a build that's just a few weeks old.


#!/usr/bin/env kawa

(define (print fmt #!optional args)
  (display (format fmt args))

(define my-global "hello")

(print "my-global is: ~A~%" my-global)

(let ((thread
       (object (<java.lang.Thread>)
	       ((run) :: <void>
		(print "in")
		(set! my-global "goodbye")))))
  (invoke thread 'start)
  (invoke thread 'join))

(print "my-global is now: ~A~%" my-global)

running this script prints:

my-global is: hello
my-global is now: hello

This is independent of whether I include a (module-static) declaration.

Is it a bug, or the intended behavior?  If the latter, what's the best way
to allow changing the variable on a separate thread?



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