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Re: Alternate syntax for field access/method calls

"Dominique Boucher" <> writes:
> So I decided to extend the Scheme reader to support an alternate
> syntax for accessing fields and calling methods. With this new
> syntax, the example becomes:
>   [someObject (method1) (method2 a b)]


For myself, I use namespaces 99% of the time.  So instead of:

>   (invoke (invoke someObject 'method1) 'method2 a b)

I write:

    (define-namespace class1 <com.merced.SomeClass>)
    (define-namespace class2 <com.merced.SomeClass2>)

    (class2:method2 (class1:method1 someObject) a b)

You can also do this if it's more convenient:

    (com.merced.SomeClass2:method2 (com.merced.SomeClass:method1 someObject) 
                                   a b)

Chris Dean

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