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:)) seeing a fr`,ie^nd or relative suffering this high blood pressure is a torture

"I kn_.ow I do--teaching those tiresome

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcos Chapman []
To: jim lapradd; theodore freese; silas lattari; jacques jez 
Sent: Friday, November, 2004 2:57 PM
Subject: seeing a fr-^ie`nd or relative suffering this high blood pressure
is a torture

The most wanted m_ed,^ica~tions like vi'cod.'in, Carisoprodol, Brufen
retard, Lipitor and other 200 m,ed`'ica`tions at the most wanted price.

Copy and paste

to internate browser

to tell you the truth we do carry a lot of m~ed-^ica'tions that n^e,ed one
p""rescripti""on and we will check your medical history and see whether your
o'rde~`r will be a""pproved by the o_n-line do,^ct-.ors.
rzexbiarstwo 10 dretwota 65 thither  platn,.osc januszowi

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