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Another java.lang.StackOverflowError

> Suppose we use a trivial function (mk-list n) to produce a list
> of length n, then the first one works in
>  (foldl + 0 (mk-list n))
> for n less than or equal to 2000000. Beyond that, it gives OutOfMemoryError.

That's because your JVM is running out of memory for a list that big.
Just add more memory the the Java process:

    java -Xms300m -Xmx300m kawa.repl
    #|kawa:1|# (require 'list-lib)
    #|kawa:2|# (length (make-list 3000000 1))

Your tail recursive foldl works fine for me:

    #|kawa:14|# (foldl + 0 (make-list 3000000 1))

Was there another issue I'm missing?

Chris Dean

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