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Warning elimination

Dear Per Bothner and list members,

I'm new to Kawa but am already impressed with its implementation and
superb integration with the Java Virtual Machine.

I'm wondering if there is a way to eliminate the "no definitely
applicable method `<init>' in" when loading this seemingly
innocuous function from the REPL:

(define (file-date file)
    (if (string? file) (make ' file) file)))

It appears I need to declare the input type of argument `file' as
<string> or <>, and I don't believe that declaring types as
sets are supported in Kawa.

The version below contains enough information for a compiler to deduce
that `object' only evaluates to a <> type (this would be
easier for the compiler to deduce if a `type?' function was standard):

(define (file-date file)
  (let ((object (cond ((string? file)
                       (make ' file))
                      ((eq? (java.lang.Class:getName
                             (java.lang.Object:getClass file))
                      (else (error "file-date; illegal type:" file)))))
    ( object)))

Obviously this warning isn't a showstopper. I'd just like to know how to
suppress it in the event it's a spurious warning or how to write this
function correctly to eliminate the warning.

Adam Warner

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