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Re: bug in set! syntax

Vladimir Tsichevski wrote:

found a bug in set! sysntax handler. An attempt to use a syntax defined as follows causes
"first set! argument is not a variable name" error

(define-syntax test
 (syntax-rules ()
    (let((s 1))
      (set! s 1)

Here is a patch that cures this very example,

Thanks! It's not quite right, since we want to actually use the Symbol itself as the "name", not just its String value.

I've checked in a modified patch allow with your test case.

but I'm afraid, there are dosens of similar String/Symbol bugs in kawa code.

I think you're being a bit pessimistic - unless you've examined the code, and found other places to fix?

This and similar problems are due to changes I made
last November to support use of Symbols as identifiers
as well as Strings.  This generalization is needed (among
other reasons) if we're ever to support Common Lisp better.

	--Per Bothner
per at bothner dot com

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