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Internal error while compiling a module-static file

(I sent this to both the BRL and Kawa lists since it occurs when using

When I compile the file below I get this error:

    (compiling Foo.scm)
    Internal error while compiling Foo.scm
            at gnu.expr.LambdaExp.allocChildClasses(
            at gnu.expr.Compilation.addClass(
            at gnu.expr.Compilation.compile(
            at gnu.expr.Compilation.compileToFiles(
            at kawa.lang.CompileFile.compile_to_files(
            at kawa.repl.processArgs(
            at kawa.repl.main(

I tried a little debugging myself, with limited success.  Changing to
(module-static #f) doesn't exercise the error.  Any ideas?

Here's the file:

    (module-static #t)
    (require <gnu.brl.pregexp>)
    (define (f pat str)
      (pregexp-match re str))

Chris Dean

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