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make-attribute and java.lang.StackOverflowError


I tried to play with the servlet side of Kawa in order to
decide whether to replace the hated JSP in our project with
Scheme-based programs. However, something like

   (make-element 'table 
		 (make-attribute 'border "1")
		 (make-element 'caption (strong "higher order table"))
		 (mk-col-rows '((1 2 a b) (3 4 c d) (5 6 e f))))

kills both Tomcat (4.0.3 and 4.1.8) as well as Resin 2.1.4 
with java.lang.StackOverflowError. Sun's JDK 1.3.1_03 
only shows <OutofMemory> but 1.4.0 does show long lines of

    at gnu.lists.AbstractSequence.getIterator(
    at gnu.lists.AbstractSequence.hashCode(
    at gnu.lists.AbstractSequence.hashCode(
    at gnu.lists.AbstractSequence.hashCode(

The above code runs ok without servlet. I suspect that it has something
to do with ServletPrinter (or its own super classes). Since I am new
to Kawa, the inner working is way beyond me. Can anybody help me?
Thanks very much!

Wen-Chun Ni

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