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Re: Require not accepting class names starting with <int>-

Jocelyn Paine wrote:
The class file exists:
  [d:\kb7\mm3\general]dir *.class /o:d
  14/07/02  18:03             710  2-Vectors.class
"2-vectors" is not a valid Java class name, and therefore it
isn't a valid class file name.  This is a Kawa bug - there is
probably some place where we ought to call the method
Compilation.mangleNameIfNeeded somewhere, but don't.  On the
other hand, in most cases, you probably don't want to do this.

But Kawa dislikes the type specifier when I require it:
  [d:\kb7\mm3\general]java kawa.repl
  #|kawa:1|# (require <kb7.mm3.general.2-Vectors>)
  <stdin>:1:2: invalid specifier for 'require'

Should I be able to use this class name in 'require'?
Probably not.  We could call Compilation.mangleNameIfNeeded,
but that may just mask errors.
	--Per Bothner

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